The History of The Tenor Narrated
The History of Ludovic Spiess

Born: 13th May 1938
Died: January 28 2006
Romanian Tenor
And finally, three Hungarian tenors.
Sandor Konya was born in Sarkad on the 23rd of September 1923.
He studied in Budapest and after the war, at the Detmold in Milan.
He made his debut at the Bielefeld in 1951, as Turridu in Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana. Moved in 1954 to Darmstadt and then to the Berlin Staatsoper opera, his best-known role is Lohengrin, in which he made his debut at Bayreuth in 1958, the Metropolitan Opera in 1961, and a Covent Garden in 1963.
He sung regularly at the Metropolitan, his roles there including, Walter and Mastersinger, Parsifal, Calaf from Turandot, Max in Der Freischutz and Don Carlos.
We hear him in an extract from Offenbach’s opera, The Tales of Hoffman and then in one of his Metropolitan roles, Turandot.